Nuovo nel universo Binamon e non sai da dove iniziare? Abbiamo creato molti contenuti utili per aiutarti a sentirti a tuo agio con Binamon.
Non preoccuparti più poiché ti assistiamo con la nostra guida per principianti a Binamon. Ecco tutto quello che c’è da sapere su come comprare il token, comprare il pacchetto booster per gli nft e per goderti il gioco.
Scopriamolo assieme.
Dopo aver sistemato il portafoglio e i token Binamon, è il momento di acquistare i tuoi mostri Binamon!
Il Binaverse ha attualmente 3 token:
Il token BMON, utilizzato per acquistare Binamon Genesis NFT e Crypton Binamons
Il token BNRG, utilizzato per acquistare Energy NFT
Il token BMON-Z1, utilizzato per acquistare Crypton Binamons
Per acquistare i Booster Pack, avrai bisogno dei rispettivi token. Per ottenere questi token, puoi utilizzare la funzione “Scambia” e scambiare il tuo BNB con i rispettivi token nello scambio di Pancakeswap
È anche utile sapere che riceverai 3 NFT casuali per ogni Booster Pack acquistato.
Nota speciale: il prezzo di questi NFT Booster Pack potrebbe aumentare in futuro a causa dell’evento “Halving”. Durante l’halving, il numero di token necessari per aprire una busta aumenta in base al numero di NFT coniati. Per ulteriori informazioni sul dimezzamento, consultare il documento qui.
Per acquistare un NFT Booster Pack, assicurati che il tuo portafoglio di criptovaluta sia prima connesso facendo clic sul pulsante “Connetti” in alto a destra dello schermo. Quindi, fai clic sull’icona “Acquista” nell’app. Sarai quindi accolto con questa schermata:
Potrai anche vedere i rispettivi prezzi per ogni Booster Pack. Per acquistare prima un pacchetto, dovrai completare 2 transazioni: la transazione di approvazione, che garantisce l’accesso a Binamon per spendere i tuoi token, e la transazione di acquisto, che spende i tuoi token.
Ma quale Booster Pack compri? Se vuoi iniziare subito a giocare al gioco P2E, ti consigliamo di acquistare i Binamon Crypton NFT Booster Packs.
Ogni Booster Pack ha requisiti di token diversi:
Binamon Genesis NFT Booster Pack: token BMON. Quando acquisti gli NFT, i token utilizzati verranno bruciati per sempre. Questi pacchetti aumentano di prezzo di 200 token BMON ogni volta che vengono coniate 50.000 carte NFT mostro.
Pacchetti Booster NFT Metaverse Energy: token BNRG. Simile ai Binamon Genesis Pack, anche i token utilizzati vengono bruciati. Questo Booster Pack aumenta di prezzo di 20 gettoni BNRG ogni volta che vengono coniate 10.000 carte energia.
Binamon Crypton NFT Booster Pack: token BMON-Z1 e BMON. Il 75% del BMON utilizzato viene inviato al pool di staking delle ricompense e distribuito a coloro che detengono NFT Genesis Binamons. I Booster Pack aumentano di prezzo di 200 BMON-Z1 e 50 token BMON ogni volta che vengono coniate 20.000 carte NFT mostro.
Passaggio 1: collega il tuo portafoglio.
Puoi trovare un pulsante che collega il tuo account Metamask al sito.
Passaggio 2: fare clic su Approva account.
Dopo aver fatto clic su Approva account, verrà visualizzata una schermata Metamask. Basta fare clic sul pulsante di conferma per continuare.
Passaggio 3: aggiorna.
Dovresti vedere un testo lampeggiare sullo schermo che dice che devi aggiornarlo. Dopo l’aggiornamento, il pulsante cambierà in “Acquista Booster”.
Passaggio 4: fare clic sul pulsante
Acquista Booster e verrà visualizzata di nuovo una schermata di Metamask. Fai clic su Conferma e attendi che i tuoi nuovi mostri vengano estratti.
Nota: acquistare il prossimo Booster Pack sarà semplicissimo! Poiché conosci già il processo, ripeti i passaggi precedenti e il gioco è fatto!
Quindi, dai un’occhiata alla nostra pagina di gioco per iniziare a giocare!
Ci sono 3 token Binamon principali che puoi acquistare: BMON, BNRG e BMON-Z1. Ecco come acquistarli tutti sul famoso exchange PancakeSwap!
Passaggio 1: trasferisci $ BNB sul tuo portafoglio
Fare clic su Connetti Wallet nella parte superiore dell’elenco e selezionare MetaMask. Ti verrà chiesto di aggiungere la rete Binance Smart Chain, cosa che devi fare.
Ecco come:
Dal menu a discesa, seleziona le impostazioni e individua il menu Reti
Fai clic su Aggiungi rete per aggiungere manualmente la Binance Smart Chain. Si consiglia di aggiungere sia la rete testnet che la rete mainnet, anche se utilizzerai la rete principale per il trading dal vivo. Ecco i dettagli per entrambi:
Nome di rete: Smart Chain
ID catena: 56
Simbolo: BNB
Nome rete: Smart Chain – Testnet
ID catena: 97
Simbolo: BNB
Salva la rete e torna alla vista principale e i tuoi token saranno ora in BNB.
Quindi, vai in MetaMask e dovrebbe apparire il tuo saldo $BNB iniziale. Copia l’indirizzo negli appunti facendo clic sul nome del tuo account.
Torna alla tua piattaforma di scambio e scegli Preleva, nell’indirizzo del destinatario, e incolla l’indirizzo del tuo portafoglio sulla rete di trasferimento Binance Smart Chain o BEP20 (BSC).
Fare clic su Invia e seguire i passaggi di verifica. Dopo che la tua criptovaluta è stata prelevata ed è nel tuo account, puoi finalmente acquistare $BMON!
Passaggio 2: commercio e scambio
È ora di andare su PancakeSwap. Una volta che sei sul sito, nella barra laterale sinistra seleziona Scambia, quindi Scambia. Fai clic su Connetti portafoglio, inserisci l’importo che desideri convertire in $ BMON, $ BNRG o $ BMON-Z1, quindi aggiungi il token scelto. Puoi farlo copiando e incollando l’indirizzo corrispondente di seguito:
BMON: 0x08ba0619b1e7A582E0Bce5BBE9843322C954C340
BNRG: 0xd8813B5Dfa9AbEB693F217Bb905ec99B66FB017C
BMON-Z1: 0x80E15FE54e9D155f8366187A6a32BDEF9C2366c4
Scegli il tuo token Binamon dal menu a discesa, verifica, quindi fai clic su Scambia.
Conferma la transazione e attendi l’icona Transazione inoltrata.
Congratulazioni! Ora hai $BMON! (O $BNRG/$BMON-Z1!)
Indovina un po? Ora puoi acquistare il tuo Binamon!
Il portafoglio MetaMask è il wallet browser più popolare disponibile. Scopri come configurare il tuo portafoglio personale per giocare a Binamon!
Passaggio 1: scarica MetaMask
Vai al Google Chrome Web Store e cerca MetaMask, estensione , quindi fai clic su Aggiungi a Chrome. Successivamente, fai clic su Inizia e quindi fai clic su Crea un portafoglio (wallet). Dopo aver letto le istruzioni, fare clic su Accetto.
Passaggio 2: crea una password
Quindi, crea una password sicura e forte per proteggere il tuo portafoglio MetaMask in modo da poter sempre accedere all’estensione di Google Chrome
Potrebbe essere necessario cimentarsi nella fase di generazione della frase di backup. In tal caso, nella pagina successiva dopo aver fatto clic su “rivela parole segrete”, scrivile. Non dovresti mai condividere questa frase, conservala in un luogo sicuro.
Nella pagina seguente, verificali, quindi fai clic su Fine.
Quindi, fai clic sull’icona MetaMask sulla barra delle estensioni del browser e sblocca il tuo portafoglio con la tua password. Una volta entrato, mostrerà il tuo saldo.
Oook! Ora compriamo dei token Binamon
Nuovo URL RPC:
Blocca l’URL di esplorazione:
Nuovo URL RPC:
URL Block Explorer:
Apri i pacchetti Binamon per rivelare il tuo Binamon nuovo di zecca, con la possibilità di Binamon ultra esclusivi. Usali per giocare, scambiare i tuoi Binamon o puntarli per guadagnare gettoni $BMON.
Il metaverso di Binamon ha attualmente 3 token:
Il token BMON, utilizzato per acquistare Binamon Genesis NFT e Crypton Binamons
Il token BNRG, utilizzato per acquistare Energy NFT
Il token BMON-Z1, utilizzato per acquistare Crypton Binamons
Per acquistare i Booster Pack, avrai bisogno dei rispettivi token. Per ottenere questi token, puoi utilizzare la funzione "Scambia" e scambiare il tuo BNB con i rispettivi token nello scambio di Pancakeswap.
È anche utile sapere che riceverai 3 NFT casuali per ogni Booster Pack acquistato.
Nota speciale: il prezzo di questi NFT Booster Pack potrebbe aumentare in futuro a causa dell'evento "Halving".
Durante l'halving, il numero di token necessari per aprire una busta aumenta in base al numero di NFT coniati. Per ulteriori informazioni sul dimezzamento, consultare il documento qui.
Per acquistare un NFT Booster Pack, assicurati che il tuo portafoglio di criptovaluta sia prima connesso facendo clic sul pulsante "Connetti" in alto a destra dello schermo. Quindi, fai clic sull'icona "Acquista" nell'app. Sarai quindi accolto con questa schermata:
Potrai anche vedere i rispettivi prezzi per ogni Booster Pack. Per acquistare prima un pacchetto, dovrai completare 2 transazioni: la transazione di approvazione, che garantisce l'accesso a Binamon per spendere i tuoi token, e la transazione di acquisto, che spende i tuoi token.
Ogni Booster Pack ha requisiti di token diversi:
Binamon Genesis NFT Booster Pack: token BMON.
Quando acquisti gli NFT, i token utilizzati verranno bruciati per sempre. Questi pacchetti aumentano di prezzo di 200 token BMON ogni volta che vengono coniate 50.000 carte NFT mostro.
Pacchetti Booster NFT Metaverse Energy: token BNRG.
Simile ai Binamon Genesis Pack, anche i token utilizzati vengono bruciati. Questo Booster Pack aumenta di prezzo di 20 gettoni BNRG ogni volta che vengono coniate 10.000 carte energia.
Binamon Crypton NFT Booster Pack: token BMON-Z1 e BMON.
Il 75% del BMON utilizzato viene inviato al pool di staking delle ricompense e distribuito a coloro che detengono NFT Genesis Binamons. I Booster Pack aumentano di prezzo di 200 BMON-Z1 e 50 token BMON ogni volta che vengono coniate 20.000 carte NFT mostro.
Open Binamon packs to reveal your brand-new Binamon, with a chance for ultra-exclusive Binamons. Use them to play, trade your Binamons, or stake them to earn $BMON tokens.
Farms are systems where holders are rewarded for having certain types of Tokens. To do this, rewards are defined, which are given to everyone based on the number of tokens they contribute to the reward pool (farms).
To farm, you need to get the specific token needed for each specific farm.
Now let’s use the BMON-WBNB/BMON-Z1 farm as an example and break down what these numbers mean:
The first set of 2 tokens (BMON-WBNB) represents the tokens you’ll need to enter the liquidity pool. In this case, we’ll need BMON and WBNB tokens. The token after the forward slash is the token you’ll earn, which is BMON-Z1.
You’ll also notice the ‘Rewards per block,’ how many BMON-Z1 tokens this particular liquidity pool will reward its stakers for each block of time.
There’s also the ‘End Block’ time, which indicates when the liquidity pool will close. You can see the exact time the pool will close by going to BscScan and inputting the end block on the top-right of the screen. In this case, the liquidity pool countdown can be found here.
And now for the part you’ve been waiting for—you can find the APY, or annual percentage yield, of each farm. To find out exactly what APY is, you can check out this article here.
Here, we have 579% APY—quite juicy!
Now that you’ve chosen the farm you want, let’s get those liquidity pool (LP) tokens!
Wait, liquidity?
Yep! You do have the tokens you’ll need, right? (In this case, BMON and BNB or WBNB.) If you don’t know how to buy the correct tokens, follow our simple guide.
Now we’ve got to “pair” them together and create Liquidity Pool tokens. No worries, the process is simple.
First, head on over to PancakeSwap Finance.
Once there, make sure your wallet is connected by clicking on the ‘Connect Wallet’ button on the top-right corner. After that’s done, click on the ‘Trade’ dropdown on the menu bar on the left, and click on ‘Liquidity.’
Once that’s done, you’ll likely be greeted with a screen that says “No liquidity found.”
That’s totally OK!
You don’t have any LP tokens yet, so let’s get to creating.
Click the ‘Add Liquidity’ button and select your first crypto asset for input. We’ll choose BMON in this case. Then, select your 2nd cryptocurrency. We’ll also choose BNB since we want to farm in the BMON-WBNB/BMON-Z1 pool. (You can also choose WBNB as the 2nd crypto asset for this pool since that also works.)
You’ll notice that PancakeSwap automatically chooses an equal amount of the 2nd crypto asset, since you’ll have to provide equal values of each token in the liquidity pool.
Once your tokens are chosen, hit the ‘Supply’ button to get your LP tokens!
To start farming, you’ll want to head on over to the ‘Rewards’ tab again, where you’ll see a list of different farming pools available. There are several options for farming in the Farming page, such as:
Stake BMON, earn BNG
Stake BMON-WBNB LP, earn Z1
Stake BMON-Z1 LP, earn Z1
Stake BMON-Z1 LP, earn BNR
Here are some helpful links you might need:
📁 BMON: 0x08ba0619b1e7A582E0BCe5BBE9843322C954C340
📁 BNRG: 0xd8813B5Dfa9AbEB693F217Bb905ec99B66FB017C
📁 BMON-Z1: 0x80E15FE54e9D155f8366187A6a32BDEF9C2366c4
📁 BGPWR 0xc8a87a02053dd61ff24179668e5a7d5ec72ff4d1
Metti in gioco i tuoi NFT convertendoli in token e puntali in pool di liquidità!
Picchettamento manuale
Puoi anche convertire manualmente i tuoi Binamon in token da puntare!Avrai comunque degli NFT quando ti immergi in Binamon, quindi mettiamoli a frutto.
Nella pagina Binamon NFT, fai clic su "Collezione" per visualizzare l'elenco dei mostri Binamon.Una volta che sei lì, vedrai un elenco dei tuoi mostri, insieme ad alcuni pulsanti in alto.
Premi i 2 pulsanti "Approva" in alto per approvare le transazioni.
Una volta fatto, vedrai un pulsante sotto ogni carta. Questo numero rappresenta la quantità di token BGPWR che otterrai o Binamon Genesis Power Tokens.
Puoi fare clic su questo pulsante per convertire i tuoi NFT in token, ma non preoccuparti! Puoi sempre convertire i tuoi token in NFT in qualsiasi momento.
Ora vedrai una nuova interfaccia che indica la quantità di token che hai in viola, insieme alla quantità di token che puoi potenzialmente ricevere dai tuoi Binamon rimanenti in giallo:
Ora, per iniziare a guadagnare utilizzando i tuoi nuovi token BGPWR, ti consigliamo di fare clic sulla scheda "Premi" e cercare i pool che contengono "BGPWR":
E ora sei a posto! Basta approvare e scommetterai i tuoi NFT per BNRG extra.
Il reddito passivo è diventato molto più interessante.
Fight your Binamons against other players for a chance to earn $BMON or $BNRG
Battle here:
Tl;dr Battle Mode 3.0 updates:
New interface, simpler and faster UI.
Battle animations, music and sound effects!
Music and animated pictures can be disabled at the top-right corner.
Want to start a battle? Go to the "Collection" tab and click the "Champion" button above your Genesis Binamon, or click on the link above.
You can change your Champion by going to the "Collection" tab and typing in your Binamon's NFT on the battle screen.
Bets in BMON, BUSD, and BNB pay out in BMON, while bets in BNRG pay in BNRG.
You can win exclusive prizes if you lose the battle (in the form of keys).
Battling can be tough, especially when you have no idea how it works. (“What do these numbers mean again? Ugh!”)
Luckily, we created this guide.
In this amazing revamped Battle Mode 3.0, we added a brand new, faster and simpler interface, as well as nice battle animations with music and sound effects.
But that’s not all we added.
Let's dive into this guide and I'll tell you everything you need to know about the new Battle Mode.
In this case, we’re going to be connecting the MetaMask wallet.
You’ll see an interface to sign a transaction, so go ahead and click to sign.
Once Quick Battle Mode has loaded, you might actually see a screen where it says to enter the NFT ID:
All you have to do is go back to your NFT collection and choose the right ID.
For example, if I wanted to use my Sauron Evolution card, I would just copy the ID number 121 and paste it into the box.
Once you enter your number, Battle Mode should be ready!
Once Battle Mode loads, you’ll be greeted with the interface:
The two buttons on the top-right freeze the card animations as well as stops the music.
Now to start battling, you want to click on the “Approve” button right in the middle of the screen on the token you want to bet with.
Currently, you can bet BMON, BNB, BUSD, and BNRG tokens and change the amount you want to bet.
When you click “Approve,” you might see another transaction appear in your wallet again to spend the tokens you want to bet.
Go ahead and click on confirm.
As you can see on this interface, we have a win chance on the top here. The 67.12% is the win chance I have against this opposing card, the Sauron Binamon
To the right is the bet multiplier which is currently at 1.43X. The higher the bet multiplier, the more rewards you will earn during battle. As the win chance goes down, you’ll generally notice the bet multiplier going up.
You also have the prizes you can potentially win if you win or lose. (more on the prizes later)
You’ll also notice certain traits on both Binamon NFT cards:
The top-left represents the Element, which gifts the Binamon with unique qualities. We currently have 6 possible elements: Forest, Water, Fire, Light, Psychic, and Quantum.
On the bottom-left, we have the Hornpower for this card. This is the defense a Binamon has to withstand attacks. This number ranges from 10 - 100 (or 1-10), with higher numbers representing greater defense.
The bottom-right is the Attack of your Binamon. The higher the number is, the more powerful your Binamon monster will be.
Finally, we have the Class in the middle. Binamons are classified from Class 1 to 12. This allows you to battle Binamons of the same Class (or lower). The higher the Class of a Binamon, the better the rewards in tournaments.
Now, if you don't like this opponent, you can also click on the “Skip” button to choose a different Binamon to battle.
Once you’ve decided your opponent, selected the type of token you want to bet, and inputted the token amount, you’re ready for a fight!
Simply click on the “Fight” button and watch the two Binamon monsters duke it out!
If you lose a battle, not all is lost.
You’ll earn a mix of bronze, silver, and gold keys when you lose. These keys are useful because they’ll be used to open equipment chests, which allow you to (like the name suggests) unlock sweet equipment for your Binamon! (note: equipment chests will be implemented in a future update!)
Here are the new Key token contracts that you may get from Battle 3.0:
Binamon Bronze Key : 0x145fde75964c56d61ebb0b79b482faff63538f44
Binamon Silver Key: 0xcfa5449bcda1f68bcf19acd963b32e05805b8822
Binamon Gold Key: 0x5a5ee967954c1b772d6b3306959e75465abe2154
If you win a battle, you’ll earn more tokens in either BMON or BNRG, depending on which token you bet. Betting with BMON, BUSD, or BNB will earn you BMON tokens, and betting with BNRG will earn you more BNRG.
You can see the amount of tokens you can win at the top-left under the “Prizes” section in the battle interface right before battling.
Have any questions or comments about the new Battle Mode 3.0?
We'll see you guys in the Binaverse!
IMPORTANT: When battling, you will bet your available tokens in your wallet, and you could lose them if you face a loss. Binamon LTD is not responsible for losses incurred. The calculation is made completely random by the Blockchain - please do your own research before battling! And never gamble with money that you can't afford to lose.
Actively battling isn’t the only way you can earn with Battle to Earn. You can also play as a Defender. This means if other players attack your Genesis NFT and you win, you get rewards!
IMPORTANT: You will only get a passive income if your NFTs are not converted into power or if they are not on sale.
Don’t worry - this process is completely passive, and you can earn rewards just by having a Genesis NFT!I When an attacker loses, that bet goes towards the prize pool.
Of those tokens, 1% goes to the defending card, which it receives in the form of a passive stake for battles.
If the prize pool grows, the other part of the winnings will go towards the stake rewards for the community and also for new product development.
100% will be reinvested in the community!
What happens if I lose?
New feature! If you lose you will get keys (golden, silver, and bronze) to open future equipment chests!
IMPORTANT: Binamon, the Binamon Team, and its associates and holders waive all responsibility for a loss of funds. The results are randomly calculated using Random on-chain methods, so we cannot guarantee any result.
Before we can actually play, you have to make sure you have Genesis Binamon Monsters. How do you get Genesis monsters? Read our or watch the video below to get started.
Once you have your NFTs ready, make sure they are unstaked and not for sale. You can find your Genesis monsters on our under the “Collections” section.
To get started, we can head on over to Battle Mode by going to (or going to your Genesis Binamon collection and clicking on the “Champion” button above the NFT) and then connecting your wallet.
Join our amazing where we will answer any questions you have, and join an awesome community where we can battle together.
Last update: 25-8-2021
Binamon è un metaverso completo di mostri digitali. Il nostro scopo è portare nell'universo Blockchain un'esperienza straordinaria con la quale i nuovi arrivati possano imparare, guadagnare e, soprattutto, divertirsi!Binamon ti aiuta a guadagnare in sei modi:Raccogli, commercia, coltiva, punta, combatti e gioca
Binamon helps you earn income in six ways:
Collect, Trade, Farm, Stake, Battle, and Play
Monsters are the main characters in Binamon's metaverse. They are the most coveted and rare assets in the Binaverse.
These NFTs are Genesis Binamons, which are the original Binamons that are used for a variety of in-game features. If you’re new to Binamon, this is the first type of Booster Pack you’ll likely want to buy.
When you purchase Binamon Genesis NFTs, you’ll find that each NFT has the following characteristics or traits:
Class: Binamons are classified from class 1 to 12. This allows you to battle Binamons of the same class. The higher the class of a Binamon, the better the rewards in tournaments.
Attack: The attack is the strength of a Binamon. Attack ranges anywhere from 1 to 12.
Hornpower: The defense a Binamon has to withstand attacks. This number ranges from 10 - 100
Element: The element gifts the Binamon with unique qualities. We currently have 6 possible elements: Forest, Water, Fire, Light, Psychic, and Quantum.
Power: This trait will be used more in later updates, but for now the higher the power, the overall better the NFT.
All this is randomly generated when monsters boosters are purchased (3 cards per booster), through a RARITY Algorithm that is completely random, performed via the Binance Smart Chain (BSC).
You might also notice some text underneath the Genesis NFTs that says ‘Algorithmic cost.’ The Algorithmic Cost is determined based on the difficulty of generating the characteristics of a Binamon. The more rare your Binamon’s traits, the higher the algorithmic cost
You can use the Binamons you collect in Quick Battle Mode, earning BMON tokens in the process. You can also simply hold your Binamons and automatically earn BMON and BNRG staking rewards every 24 hours.
Binamon's monsters have 5 main characteristics, these are hosted in the Binance Smart Chain (on-chain).
The complete collection of Genesis Monster NFTs can be found here. Alternatively, you can see the contract address of the NFT collection here: 0x39F742ba717F6203e081fBC0418FA60F1e245Ea1
Who doesn’t love playing games?In the world of Binamon, playing to earn is a feature that lets you take your Planet Z1 (or Planet Crypton) monsters and have fun in the process!
Keep in mind you will need Planet Z1 monsters to play this P2E game! To get them you have to obtain BMON-Z1 and BMON tokens and buy a Booster Pack on https://nft.binamon.org/. The main game (which requires Genesis Binamon monsters) will be released in the future.
Don't know where to start? We've got you covered!
Check out our tutorial on how to buy Binamon tokens:
And while you're at it, watch our other tutorial on how to buy Booster Packs!
Once you've got your Z1 Binamon monster, it's time to play! Check out our amazing tutorial to play the game:
1) Enter https://p2e.binamon.org
2) Connect your wallet using a browser or wallet connect. You will now see your Binamon Z1 monsters.
3) Approve the contract with any of the buttons.
4) Choose and lock any NFT you want to use in the game. You will have a 1 hour limit for each monster.
5) After locking your NFTs, copy the password on your clipboard (CTRL+C)
6) Download the game client here.
7) Execute the installer and follow the steps
8) Execute BinamonRunner.exe
9) Press 'play game.' A window to enter the password will open. Paste the password from step 5 (CTRL+V).
10) Choose your monster and start playing!
Playing is quite simple.
You can move and attack with the WASD keys. Hit the correct attack at the correct moment to hit the enemies. If you fail your attack, the enemy will hit you and you will lose time (the top bar). The time limit is 1 hour per monster.
The score is not a direct indicator of the earnings, as all the scores of the players are calculated, and you will get the share of the earnings based on your score percentage of the total.
If you have any suggestions or a bug to report, please use this form!
Have fun playing!
The attributes of the Monsters' cards are randomly generated via the blockchain. Below, there is a table with all the rarity criteria:
The Rarity Table determines how probable is for a Monster to acquire certain characteristics.
The combination of uncommon features makes a monster even rarer.
For example, a monster with Light Element, Attack 7, Hornpower 50, and Class 5 will have a probability of: 0.004% of being discovered. To find out the chance of acquiring a specific monster, you would only need to multiply the probabilities to get your result! Knowing that three monsters come out for each Booster, you then would have to multiply by that by three. This means that to obtain that card, approximately 83 Boosters would have to be opened. This algorithm is statistical data, you can obtain it eventually with luck or patience to keep trying. The algorithm is a cost guide of the NFT. The formula is: (Rarity / 3) x BMON price.
The NFT can be sold for a higher or lower price than the one set by the Algorithmic Cost, depending on the market and your buyer. With the algorithmic cost, you have a guide related to the amount of BMON that you must spend to generate a certain Monster.
Collect them all! Get the rarest Binamons by opening booster packs. Trade, evolve, and battle your monsters!
Binamons are created from the Smart Contract Booster Packs. The good news is you don't only get one Binamon - each pack gives 3 random NFTs with each purchase. These 3 NFTs are totally random, using our built-in smart contract equations.
To buy Genesis Booster Packs, you will first need to have BMON, which is the native currency of the Binamon Metaverse. You can buy it on PancakeSwap
When you buy a Monster Booster, those BMONs are automatically burned by the Booster's Smart Contract. You will receive your 3 new NFT monsters.
Keep in mind that this may take a few seconds to appear since it is an operation that is done on the blockchain and needs to be validated. This operation makes the BMON Token extremely deflationary.
It also means that there is a maximum supply of monsters that are possible to create, which is given by the supply of BMON.
In addition to that, every so often there is a Halving of monsters, causing the price of the Booster to increase.
We learned this from our friend Satoshi Nakamoto!
Prima di impegnarti in battaglia, devi prima ottenere l’accesso a una piattaforma che permetta lo scambio con criptovalute come BNB, Ethereum o Bitcoin.
Passaggio 1: registrati su una piattaforma di scambio Fiat-Crypto
Puoi utilizzare piattaforme popolari come Coinbase o Binance per scambiare la tua fiat (euro) con la criptovaluta più adatta al tuo budget.
Passaggio 2: selezionare un metodo di pagamento per USDT
USDT o Tether, che è una stablecoin ancorata al dollaro americano, è considerata meno volatile della maggior parte delle altre criptovalute. In questo esempio compreremo USDT; tuttavia, puoi anche acquistare altre stablecoin popolari come USDC o BUSD, o semplicemente acquistare direttamente BNB (se il tuo exchange lo consente) per saltare il passaggio successivo.
Scegli il tuo metodo di pagamento per completare il trasferimento e fai clic su Conferma acquisto per completare la transazione. Puoi scegliere di utilizzare una delle principali carte di debito/credito o optare per un bonifico bancario.
L’utilizzo di una carta si tradurrà in un trasferimento di deposito istantaneo con una commissione di elaborazione più elevata, mentre un bonifico bancario consente di risparmiare denaro, ma può richiedere alcune ore o alcuni giorni per il trasferimento.
La scelta è tua!
Passaggio 3: converti il tuo USDT in $BNB
Una volta che la criptovaluta è nel tuo portafoglio digitale, trasferisci il tuo USDT all’exchange scelto come Binance (o un’altra piattaforma di scambio), convertilo in $BNB, quindi invialo al tuo portafoglio digitale tramite Binance Smart Chain.
Grande! Ora che hai la tua criptovaluta, è il momento di connetterti con MetaMask.
Looking for more information on Binamon tokens and their smart contracts? Look no further.
The Energy NFTs bring dynamism to the game and expand Binamon's universe, they also enhance the power of the Binamons.
Energy NFTs boost the power of your Binamons!
They will either boost their attacks or boost their defense.
Energy NFT's allow the merging or fusing of 2 Binamons. This will require an amount of energy.
Important: In order to empower a monster with energy, it is necessary that energy of the same element and of the same class. In this way, the rarer Binamons will need rarer energies to empower them.
And the most common Binamons will have easier access to energy.
As with monsters, there is the same rarity algorithm, however, there are only two energy states: Element and Class.
Energy is purchased with the energy token BNRG (Energia). It is a BEP-20 token that is traded with the BMON.
See the BNRG chart here:
Learn all about the amazing NFTs you can collect in the Binaverse! From Genesis monsters, to Metaverse Energy cards, to Planet Crypton NFTs - there's an NFT for all your use cases.
Binamon Energy (BNRG) is the energy that flows throughout the Binaverse. It is used to evolve creatures, acquire unique items, and play in advanced game modes.
BNRG is used to generate energy NFTs, which help you take your Binamons to the next level. It is a necessary token to give that competitive edge over other Binamons - you can think of BNRG as the fire that keeps the wood burning.
Unlike BMON, which has a maximum supply of 300 million (and decreasing!), BNRG has an unlimited supply. However, this doesn't make BNRG any less important.
For example, Power Boosters can only be purchased with BNRG. And when you buy them, those BNRG tokens are burned.
On the other hand, Energy NFTs will be destroyed in advanced game modes, as users will have to sacrifice energy in order to gain achievements and empower Binamons.
Contract: 0xd8813B5Dfa9AbEB693F217Bb905ec99B66FB017C
The new generation of Binamons has arrived!
Binamon Crypton NFTs, also known as Z1 Monsters, are special Binamons used within the new Binamon planet, Crypton. With these Binamons, you can earn rewards in the new Crypton-based game as well as trade them in the marketplace in the future!
To play the game with your Z1 Monsters, head on over to our guide for instructions:
BMON is the principal currency and valuable reserve in Binamon's metaverse. It is the divine particle that creates all life forms in the Binaverse.
BMON is necessary to create all metaverse creatures. It acts as the supply in liquidity pools and other currencies in the metaverse. BMON is a currency of permanent supply and every time a monster is created, 100% of those BMONs are burned. You heard that right - 100%.
So what does this mean for you? BMON is hyper-deflationary, and unlike other currencies, BMON is designed to go up in price. This also limits the amount of creatures created in the Binaverse, as the more monsters are created, the higher the cost will likely be.
Contract: 0x08ba0619b1e7A582E0BCe5BBE9843322C954C340
Compra e vendi tutte le valute di Binamon! Scambia i tuoi NFT con altri giocatori! Le possibilità sono infinite.
Naturalmente, puoi sempre scambiare i vari token Binamon per guadagnare.
Ma sapevi che puoi anche scambiare i tuoi NFTs? Invece di tenere i tuoi NFT in giro, puoi utilizzare il sistema "Escrow" per scambiare i tuoi NFT.
Una volta fatto, puoi premere un altro pulsante che si apre che dice "Vendi P2P".
Una volta fatto, puoi vedere un elenco di tutti gli NFT che sarai in grado di vendere nella scheda "P2P NFT".
Ora, per vendere il tuo Binamon, dovrai impostare un prezzo (in token BMON) per quanto vuoi venderlo. Una volta fatto, copia il codice univoco per l'NFT che vuoi vendere.
Infine, dai semplicemente quel codice a un potenziale acquirente del tuo NFT! Tutto ciò che l'acquirente deve fare è fare clic sulla scheda "Acquista NFT" e inserire il codice, dove verrà accolto con una visualizzazione del tuo adorabile NFT dove possono acquistarlo utilizzando i token BMON, BNB o BUSD.
Hai difficoltà a trovare un potenziale acquirente?
Niente sudore!Puoi semplicemente andare sul canale Discord ufficiale di Binamon dove potrai trovare un elenco di potenziali acquirenti e persino contattare gli altri!
PancakeSwap: https://pancakeswap.finance/swap?outputCurrency=0x08ba0619b1e7a582e0bce5bbe9843322c954c340
Chart: https://www.dextools.io/app/pancakeswap/pair-explorer/0x3c2b7b578dd2175a1c3524aa0d515106282bf108
Chart: https://www.dextools.io/app/pancakeswap/pair-explorer/0x00e53c169da54a7e11172aeedf8eb87f060f479e
Chart: https://www.dextools.io/app/pancakeswap/pair-explorer/0x1ef7c776f048675ccf0514443cda6641cf7328e7}
PancakeSwap: https://pancakeswap.finance/swap?outputCurrency=0xd8813B5Dfa9AbEB693F217Bb905ec99B66FB017C
Chart: https://www.dextools.io/app/pancakeswap/pair-explorer/0xa506bd2d8e89fb1b9f76d311792d39bbcd6b51da
The Binamon collection. If you're interested in seeing the army of Binamons released, we've got you covered.
Contract: 0x39F742ba717F6203e081fBC0418FA60F1e245Ea1
Here are Planet Crypton's Binamon creature collection. Check out the amazing Binamons our community has created!
Contract: 0x9678A9b37738cc5c6cF1Df39CA9Fe4590EBe015c
The only way to solve the overburning dilemma is Planet Crypton.
The solution: Planet Crypton.
With the event of a new Planet with its own native token, the problem of too many players will become null.
Why? Because with the new Z1-BEP token, new users will be able to purchase this token and avoid overbuying - and thus, overburning - the BMON token.
Now keep in mind that within the Binamon Team, we have a group of high-standing economists, mathematicians, and physicists along with the partnership of one of the most important game concept creation companies in the world: Koncepted (who worked with AAA titles like Warcraft).
That being said, the solution to meet the demand of million of new players is the creation of a Galactic Federation. In Planet A-LGC-Z1's case, it will have its own currency, Z1-BEP (which will be a BEP-20 token with limited supply), with the same Tokenomics as BMON. That is, it will be highly deflationary.
This currency will have a pair against BMON, which at the same time is trading against BNB on Pancakeswap and at the same time trading with USDT on the CEXs that are listed with us.
The Play to Earn (P2E) players will work for this currency, and the workers will mine the Z1-BEP, creating an amazing harmony and sustaining the planet's economy like no other!
The planet will have the first play to earn game in the Binamon Planetary Federation!
A Play To Earn Game is being implemented for Planet A-LGC-Z1.
Players will be able to play and earn daily rewards, which can then be exchanged for BMON and their favorite stable coin at the same time.
Being a productive planet, players will have to play to earn the rewards - there will be no auto-stake as with the Genesis collection. Your earnings can also be reinvested in different ways to increase the productivity of your creatures.
Each planet will have its own exclusive game, allowing the user to have a different game experience.
Creatures on each planet will only be able to play games on their own planet (after all, each planet has its own environmental conditions!).
Only NFT Genesis creatures will be able to play the A +++ original game (this game is being developed in conjunction with Koncepted)!
To play on Planet Crypton, head on over to our guide, or watch our video tutorial to get started!
There is a fundamental problem with the Genesis Binamons - and we cannot solve it with only Genesis alone.
At the time of writing, 180,000 Binamon NFTs have been generated, 46M BMON tokens have been burned, and 95M tokens remain in circulation - all after just 1 month of launch.
With the launch of the Play to Earn game (during the month of August 2021), we expect an avalanche of players from all over the world to join. This could be around 3M to 10M players more!
So here's the deal: To generate 200,000 new Binamon NFT Monsters at the current price of 1200 BMON / Booster Pack, we will need to burn 80M BMON!
Keep in mind that we have a circulating supply of 95M right now, so burning this much BMON will simply dwindle away our remaining supply to unsustainably low levels. So the maximum amount of players we can attract is 500,000 players to avoid overburning BMON tokens.
So how do we solve this problem? And what can we do to stop BMON from being burned into oblivion?
Read on...
BMON has interacted and mutated with the planet's atmosphere, creating Z1-BEP.
Z1-BEP has impressed our scientists and because of its discovery, we are able to unveil one of the biggest mysteries of Binamon’s Metaverse - the reason why other life forms besides Genesis Binamons exist.
Z1-BEP has triggered the creation of new Binamon variants - now even wilder than the Genesis Binamons!
These new creatures have adapted and evolved from the wilder aspects of Planet Crypton - partly because this planet is more inhospitable.
Through the environment's harsh conditions, Planet Crypton Binamons are said to be tougher and more resilient to external forces.
Z1-BEP will be traded with BMON. You'll be able to sell or buy whenever you want, and exchange it for BMON or BNB as well as with other stable coins.
A new elite has arrived! Introducing: the President and the Vice President
Planet A-LGC-Z1 will have its own currency, its own governance, its own symbol, and its own collection of creatures.
An IDO will be made in BMON to raise the initial funds to create the Z1-BEP Liquidity pool against BMON. There will be no contribution limit per address. You can contribute all the BMON you want.
The owners of the 2 accounts that contribute the most to the foundation of the planet will be proclaimed PRESIDENT AND VICE-PRESIDENT OF THE PLANET A-LGC-Z1
ThePresident and Vice President will be rewarded as follows:
President: 10% of the total supply
Vice President: 5% of the total supply
These tokens will be released on a 6-month vesting period (locked with team finances), in addition to their own tokens that they bought during the IDO.
The President and Vice President will be responsible for the Binamon Planetary Federation for the good Economic and Social health of their planet. They will decide with the Governance token Z1-BEP the economic policies, taxes, and working hours of the miners.
The success of the planet will be closely watched by the Binamon Planetary Federation. Likewise, both the President and the Vice President will have 2 positions in the Binamon Planetary Federation.
The President and Vice President will decide:
• The name of the planet A-LGC-Z1
• The name of the Z1-BEP coin
• The symbol
• The planetary logo
In case they do not agree with each other, they may ask the Federation for their vote - in that case, there will be 3 total votes that will end the tiebreaker (only in case they do not agree on their own).
The President and the Vice President may also apply tax rates to their workers, which will be used at their discretion to grow their global economy.
The Binamon Planetary Federation will provide all the technological, marketing and influence tools to make the planet a success!
With the new planet, BMON will become stronger!
The new planet will strengthen BMON currency, just as BNB strengthens the projects that use the token.
To create a new monster, you will need Z1-BEP and a quantity of BMON.
This BMON will be sent to the Federation as taxes, which will be distributed amongst all the NFT Genesis Binamon holders of the Federation, and kept and used for the development of the Binaverse.
The Genesis NFTs will receive a portion of the BMON used to purchase the new planet's NFTs, increasing their Stake prizes.
In short, the NFT Genesis are the nobles of the Binamon Planetary Federation and receive rewards from the other planets!
The planet will have its own exclusive NFT, with an awesome war theme.
Did we mention Planet A-LGC-Z1 is a very inhospitable and hostile planet? This planet has developed creatures much more robust and dangerous than those of the Genesis Collection.
Therefore, the Planet has its own collection of NFTs with a war-like aesthetic, which can be used throughout the Federation. However, the great part is it can only be minted on the planet A-LGC-Z1.
Expanding the world of NFTs into the physical world using neural networks.
Hey, you thought we'd be stopping at just virtual reality?
Nope. Binamon is the most ambitious P2E project ever - and we're planning on integrating Binamon with our own secret little AI system. Of course, we can't release a lot of details yet.
But just know, this is something you WON'T want to miss.
The first planet of the federation to implement play to earn (P2E) mechanics.
During the times of Genesis, after a huge explosion, limited amounts of BMON have been spread around the universe.
BMON, as the divine particle it is, was first necessary for the birth of Binamon. Now, we have located large amounts of BMON that have been found on the A-LGC-Z1 planet - otherwise known as Planet Crypton.
Official Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8jSfYsqIKo0&ab_channel=BINAMON
BMON, after interacting with the planet for a million years, has muted into a new mineral called Z1-BEP by scientists.
Become #1 in the Binaverse!
Binamon has a complete ranking system with statistics:
Here, you can filter results by Class and Element.
The best Binamons will receive rewards based on their position in the Ranking. Everyone will receive prizes - but of course, the higher the class, the bigger the prize!
In short, it is better to have a weak Class 10 than a powerful Class 1.
Build your best strategy to become the best!
You can also exchange cards with other users through the Escrow contract! That way, you can sell your NFTs and buy better ones - or, just make a handy little profit by buying low and selling high!
Billions of years ago, a great explosion resulted in the onset of the Binaverse. Significant amounts of BMON have impacted different planets. That BMON in contact with the atmosphere has mutated, and in the case of the planet Crypton, it has generated BMON-Z1.
BMON-Z1 is the raw material that gives way to the entire race of creatures on the planet Crypton. Being a more hostile planet, the creatures are much more aggressive and savage than the Genesis creatures of the Federation.
BMON-Z1 is necessary to create Crypton's monsters. All BMON-Z1 used are automatically burned by Smart Contracts. BMON-Z1's main pair and liquidity pool is BMON-Z1 / BMON. In this way, the currency connects directly with the Binamon Planetary Federation.
Contract: 0x80E15FE54e9D155f8366187A6a32BDEF9C2366c4
The leading game engine for only the highest quality games.
Here at Binamon, we value quality over anything else. That's why we've chosen to run on Unreal Engine, the leading AAA game engine used on games like Fortnite, Psychonauts, and Kingdom Hearts.
Creating unique experiences - VR style!
Virtual reality isn't just a trend - it's here to stay. Once the core features of Binamon is released, we'll be working hard to take Binamon to the next level in VR format! You'll be able to play while seeing your Binamon like never before!
Stay tuned as we release this amazing VR feature - in 2022 or beyond!